Sunday School Printables & Visuals

These Sunday school printables and visuals can be used with my Sunday school curriculum or as supplements to your own lessons. Feel free to print for your personal or classroom use only.

I like to use printed visuals as I am teaching and then post them in the classroom so kids can see them throughout the quarter or year and be reminded of what we have learned. Actually, if you use my lesson plans, you will see I usually build the posting of visuals right into the Bible lesson. Since kids like to be chosen to put things on the board, you can use it as a way to reward active listeners. :-)

Click a link to jump to a specific section:

General Sunday School Printables

Jesus Is A-Z Curriculum Printables

We Are...Curriculum Printables

I Love My Bible! Curriculum Printables

Adventures on Route 66 Curriculum Printables

Sunday school printables reinforce learning and also provide for easy review. And anything worth teaching once is worth reviewing multiple times.

Due to the high cost of ink for my printer, even if visuals are colored, I often print them in "grayscale" or black ink only on brightly colored paper. The paper brightens up the classroom without the need for colored ink.

As I add Sunday school printables and visuals to this page, I plan to organize them according to the curriculum with which they are associated.

General Sunday School Printables

Below these "general" Sunday school printables, links are organized according to curriculum title.

Miracles of Jesus Christ

Click on the picture below to access a PDF file of pages to print and make this chart of Jesus' miracles. The chart has headings indicating Jesus' power over disease, nature, demons, and death. It also contains columns which show where in each Gospel book to find the account described.

Class Promises

In our classes we have 5 basic rules we go over with the kids each week, right before the Bible Lesson. We call these our "CLASS PROMISES." You will find these here.

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Jesus Is A-Z Curriculum

Some ideas for using the Jesus Is A-Z visuals:

You can post the "Jesus is...A through Z" banner on the wall at the front of the class, and then put posterboards with the letters around the room, as in the picture below (attached to the wall with Velcro fasteners). At the beginning of the lesson series, the posterboards will only have letters on them.

Each week, take down the current week's letter from the wall and place it on a cardboard display board at the front of the class (also using Velcro). During the Bible Lesson, students add that lesson's visuals. Then the posterboard goes back up on the wall in the appropriate place. As the weeks pass, the room fills with alphabetical visuals of what you are learning. These posterboards are great for reviewing and keeping Jesus' adjectives and titles prominent in the kids' minds. I usually leave them up all year.

Or, you can do as I did when I shared a classroom: put the banner on a large (6' x 4'?) piece of corrugated plastic (lightweight) and add the "mini poster" (8.5" x 11") of each week’s titles and adjectives to the board at the end of each Bible lesson. In this way, you can move the board from place to place as needed, and still have visual reminders of what you are learning.

General Jesus is A-Z Visuals:

Jesus is...A through Z Banner

Letter of the Week Title

Jesus Is A-Z Mini Posters

Lesson 2:  Jesus is...Letter A Visuals

Lesson 3:  Jesus is...Letter B Visuals

David's Family Tree

Lesson 4:  Jesus is... Letter C Visuals

Lesson 5:  Jesus is...Letter D Visuals

Lesson 6:  Jesus is...Letter E Visuals

Lesson 7:  Jesus is...Letter F Visuals

Lesson 8:  Jesus is...Letter G Visuals

Spirit & Flesh Signs

Lesson 9:  Jesus is...Letter H Visuals

Lesson 10:  Jesus is...Letter I Visuals

Moses - Burning Bush - I AM



Lesson 11:  Jesus is...Letters J&K Visuals

Lesson 12:  Jesus is...Letter L, Part 1, Visuals

Lesson 13:  Jesus is...Letter L, Part 2, Visuals

Lesson 14:  Jesus is...Letter M, Part 1, Visuals

Lesson 15:  Jesus is...Letter M, Part 2, Visuals

Lesson 16:  Jesus is...Letters N&O Visuals

Lesson 17:  Jesus is...Letter P, Part 1, Visuals

A Knight's Code of Honor

Lesson 18:  Jesus is...Letter P, Part 2, & Q Visuals

Lesson 19:  Jesus is...Letter R, Part 1, Visuals

Parables Jesus Told

Lesson 20:  Jesus is...Letter R, Part 2, Visuals

Lesson 21:  Jesus is...Letter S, Part 1, Visuals

Lesson 22:  Jesus is...Letter S, Part 2, Visuals

Lesson 23:  Jesus is...Letters T-U-V Visuals

Lesson 24:  Jesus is...Letter W Visuals

Lesson 25:  Jesus is...Letters X-Y-Z Visuals

You will find the Jesus is A through Z curriculum here.

Find coloring pages associated with the Jesus is A through Z curriculum here.

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We Are...Curriculum

Sunday school printables associated with this curriculum are listed here. The first is the We Are... banner, which I posted on a cardboard demonstration board, adding arrows and stars. Each week we taped a visual associated with that week's lesson to this demonstration board. Since I teach a Wednesday evening class and share my classroom with a Sunday morning class, having a portable board works well.

We Are... Banner

We Are... Salt Visual

We Are... Light Visual

We Are... Sheep Visual

Characteristics of Sheep

We Are... Epistles Visual

We Are... the Bride Visual

Bride of Christ Labels

We Are... the Body Visual

We Are... the Temple Visual

We Are... the Children of God Visual

We Are... Branches Visual

We Are... Soldiers Visual

Armor of God Visuals

You will find the We Are... curriculum here.

Find any coloring/activity pages associated with the We Are... curriculum here.

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I Love My Bible! Curriculum

Sunday school printables associated with this curriculum are listed here. The first is the I Love My Bible! banner, which I posted on a large piece of corrugated plastic.

This photo shows the I Love My Bible! visuals posted along with the Fruit of the Spirit.

I Love My Bible! banner (Tip: Print as a poster.)

Sword Visual

Light Visual

Honey Visual

Uses and Benefits of Honey & the Bible

Fire Visual

Road Signs Visual

Map Visual

Bread Visual

Measure Visual

Golden Rule Ruler

Cleanser Visual

Treasure Visual

Mirror Visual

Milk & Meat Visual

Seed Visual

Parable of the Sower

You will find the I Love My Bible! curriculum here.

Find any coloring/activity pages associated with the I Love My Bible! curriculum here.

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Adventures on Route 66 Curriculum


Adventures on Route 66 Sign

Annette and her daughter Emily Evans have created 153 timeline figures to coordinate with the Adventures on Route 66 curriculum. You can find out more about these Bible Timeline Figures and purchase them through our Etsy shop: Blossom Cottage Arts. Below is our classroom timeline made of road tape (for toy cars, purchased from Amazon) stuck to the wall. We wrote the century numbers on small pieces of colored tape. We also found a set of fun travel-themed cut-outs from Creative Teaching Press to add to the wall.

Lesson Visuals
(not every lesson has a printable visual)


Judges Vicious Circle Visual

Naomi-Ruth-Boaz-David Family Tree



This lesson mentions looking on the internet for pictures of events from David's life. Here are links to some I have used:

Saul Tries to Kill David

David Escapes Through the Window

David Spares Saul's Life

David Spares Saul's Life Again

LESSON 12 also mentions a map of Israel and Judah.



Job Bible Story

Some Famous Quotations from the Book of Job

Some Famous Quotations from the Book of Proverbs



Kings of Israel & Judah Visual Aid



Jonah Runs from God Map



Daniel - Chapter by Chapter Visual Aid



The Story of Esther

Ezra & Nehemiah: The Jews Begin to Return Home



Jesus Is Tempted by the Devil Visual



The 12 Disciples Song

Print words and place on front and back of poster board as shown below. Add pictures of disciples if desired. (Those shown are from a Bible timeline set.) Sing to the tune of "Bringing in the Sheaves."

To make a poster of the Beatitudes, print items below. Cut around the sides and bottoms of the numbered items (first part of each Beatitude). Then glue the edges of these onto the corresponding pages with the second half of each Beatitude. Attach these assembled pages to the poster board in order. Trim and add the title and Bible reference. (See photos.)

Beatitudes for Poster

Beatitudes Title and Reference



This lesson uses the Miracles of Jesus Christ display board.



Parables Jesus Told

Map of Israel (New Testament Times)



Seven Leaders Chosen

Adventures on Route 66 curriculum here.

You will find any coloring/activity pages associated with the Adventures on Route 66 curriculum here.

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I hope the the Sunday school printables on this page are helpful to you. If you have trouble printing any of them, you might try using different web browser as that sometimes works for me. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

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