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The Fruit of the Spirit
Illustrated with Parables

This 12-lesson curriculum on the Fruit of the Spirit begins with the question: “What Is Fruit?” We use natural fruit to introduce our topic, and the “Parable of the Barren Fig Tree” to discuss the fact that God expects us to grow spiritual fruit. The next nine lessons cover the nine Fruit of the Spirit, using a parable from the Bible to illustrate each one. The final two lessons discuss the purpose of fruit and then review the entire series. 

Lessons in this curriculum are written to fill 90 minutes and follow this basic schedule:

  • 20 min.     Memory Work – Large Group
  • 15 min.     Memory Work – Small Group
  • 10 min.     Review
  •   5 min.     Rules & Prayer
  • 15 min.     Bible Lesson
  • 15 min.     Bible Skills
  • 10 min.     Activity/Snack

You may want to add 10-15 minutes of WORSHIP if you have more class time to fill. We often add this in between MEMORY WORK – SMALL GROUP and REVIEW. 

Memory Work - Large Group

At the beginning of class, while kids are gathering in, we work with the entire group to memorize the books of the Bible, Memory Work songs, Psalm 1, and the Fruit of the Spirit. Do various activities each week, depending on what you want to emphasize and what your students need the most help memorizing.

Fruit of the Spirit Song

Memory Work - Small Group

During this time, divide the class into smaller groups, a few students per teacher. Each student works through a list of verses at his/her own pace. Teachers assist students as needed, and students quote verses to teachers when they are ready. Our kids really enjoy this time!

You will need to decide what verses you want your students to memorize. We have students work on six verses at a time, quoting one at a time, then two at a time, etc., until they are ready to test on all six verses. We then offer prizes for students who pass with a score of 80 percent or better. My “Bible Memorization” page has more information if you need ideas in this area.


Anything worth teaching is worth reviewing. We want our students to remember the things we have been learning, cumulatively, throughout the series and the year. We use questions taken from previous lessons, often incorporating them into a quick game to make REVIEW a fun and interactive time.

Fruit of the Spirit Review Questions

Fruit of the Spirit Review Questions - Condensed

Rules & Prayer

Have a basic list of about five rules (see example). Review these quickly and pray with the class to help them focus right before the Bible Lesson. 

Bible Lesson

Each BIBLE LESSON in this series covers a parable that illustrates the Fruit of the Spirit being discussed that week. I tend to ask a lot of questions in my lessons. Some are open ended, intending to invite discussion, and some have specific answers. I also stress reading verses directly out of your Bible during the lesson, setting an example for your students.

The Bible Lessons are scripted with words you are to say in bold and suggested answers in (parentheses)Highlighted words are actions you are to take. All BIBLE LESSONS end in prayer as it is so important to give the kids an opportunity to respond to the BIBLE LESSON. 

I have created a visual to go with each Bible LESSON. Have a student attach the corresponding visual to a display board during each lesson. This board reminds students of what they have learned as the series progresses.  

Bible Skills

This is the portion of the class where kids get hands-on with the Bible, learning how it is organized and practicing looking up verses. We purchased a case of Bibles to have on hand in our classroom. However, students should be encouraged to bring theirs from home if possible. The goal is to become familiar with and learn to love your very own Bible! We use the Books of the Bible demonstration board to assist students during this portion of the class.


This is the part of the class where the kids enjoy a fruit that ties into and reminds us of the Fruit of the Spirit we discussed during the lesson. They also color a page with the parable we learned about. I like to have a board to display the coloring pages from week to week. A couple of ideas for the coloring pages: You can post several student’s pictures and then switch them out each week, or you can post one student’s coloring page from each week and end up with a complete collection on the board at the end of the series.

Putting all of these elements together makes for an exciting learning environment. I pray your students will have fun learning about and growing the Fruit of the Spirit. 

Fruit of the Spirit Lesson Links

Below are the lesson links (PDFs), along with links to associated visuals and coloring pages. (NOTE: The links to the visuals and coloring pages are included right in the lesson PDFs, but unfortunately they don't always work from there.)

Lesson 1 - What Is FRUIT? (Parable of the Barren Fig Tree)

Lesson 2 - What Is LOVE? (Parable of the Good Samaritan)

Lesson 3 - What Is JOY? (Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Son)

Lesson 4 - What Is PEACE? (Comparison of God's Care of Birds and Flowers and Us)

Lesson 5 - What Is LONGSUFFERING? (Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds [Tares])

Lesson 6 - What Is GENTLENESS? (Parable of The Unmerciful Servant)

Lesson 7 - What Is GOODNESS? (Comparison of Light and Our Good Works)

Lesson 8 - What Is FAITH? (Parable of the Talents)

Lesson 9 - What Is MEEKNESS? (Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican)

Lesson 10 - What Is TEMPERANCE? (Comparison to Athletes in Training)

Lesson 11 - What is the PURPOSE of Fruit? (Fake Fruit vs. Real Fruit)

Lesson 12 - End-of-Series Review

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