Sunday School at Home
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
"And these words, which I command thee this day,
shall be in thine heart:
"And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children,
and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house,
and when thou walkest by the way,
and when thou liest down,
and when thou risest up."
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
These are trying days with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic engulfing the world. Here in the United States, life looks very different than it did even one week ago.
To try to keep the virus from spreading so quickly, many churches are not gathering for worship for the next few weeks. Some are live-streaming or posting videotaped messages.
The spiritual instruction of children actually belongs in the home first of all, so learning God’s Word together at home is something that can and should be done.
I want to help families who are doing “Sunday school” at home, so I recorded myself teaching the first lesson in the Adventures on Route 66 curriculum:
Adventures on Route 66 - Lesson 1 - Annette Teaching
This series takes us through the Bible, Genesis to Revelation. You can find more information about the curriculum here:
Adventures on Route 66 curriculum
I had just begun teaching my Sunday school class this series on March 1. Since many students missed the last two weeks due to spring break and then coronavirus concerns, I decided to go back to Lesson 1: Creation and the Fall, and teach from there, knowing it will be a review for my students and hoping it may also bless some other families and churches. I plan to record Lesson 2 for next week and go on from there.
My heart goes out to all the kids and families in these times. It is so easy to become fearful. It is so easy to project that fear onto our kids. I pray peace upon the families and the children. We know God is with us through everything, good or bad. May we help our children know God’s presence through these trying days like they have never known Him before.
Annette Evans